25 March 2011


if i ever start to forget what true, unadulterated happiness is, all i have to do is look at my dogs. after a week of constant rain, wind, and general inhospitable-ness, my three girls and i were all stir-crazy and ready for some much needed time outdoors. when the sun peeked its bright head out of the clouds this morning, i donned my running shoes and quickly sprinted my way across town and back so i would have enough time to run the girls before we lost our little patch of sunshine. this was the result:

they were so blissfully happy to be outside and playing!

sophie kept smiling at me with her long, goofy tongue hanging out.

then she got mad at me for taking too long to throw the ball while i tried to take her picture. she was jumping straight up and down on her hind legs trying to get my attention, as if to say "geeez, mom, play with me!"

happiness is playing ball with my girls. it is also the way it smells after it rains. happiness is waking up early so my five a.m. meets your eight a.m. and happiness is a cup of tea in bed. it is that little patch of sunshine, but it can also be the storm that preceded it. happiness is knowing my life is filled with the most wonderful, kind-hearted friends. but most of all, today, happiness just is.

1 comment:

Christina @ The Murrayed Life said...

I LOVE happiness. And I love the fact that I have friends who love it and appreciate it and go get it the way I try to :)