11 March 2011


(no so)goodmorning. woke up at 4 a.m. in a cold sweat, blankets tangled, out of breath. something just wasn't right.
turned on my computer and learned about the earthquake/tsunamis in japan. my mind went instantly to my cousin, who lives on japan's west coast with his wife and two babies. phonelines and internet seem to be overloaded/impassible at this point, so we're still waiting to hear. it sends sickly shivers down my spine, and with the rest of my family and most my dear friends living in coastal california, i won't be breathing easy until this has passed. sending my thoughts and positive energy to anyone who is playing this waiting game right now and to everyone whose life if affected by this. what a crazy world we live in.

i've been glued to cnn and various other news sources all morning. i always find it interesting how flustered newspeople get when reporting live, breaking news. it always confirms just how human and vulnerable we all are and how important carefully chosen words can be. i can tell you just how much comfort there is in having someone to simply communicate with at 4 a.m. when the restless, anxious mind reels--- even when that conversation is about spidey sense and sharks... i am grateful.

there is also comfort in breakfast. i am passionate about food. this morning i needed some feel-good yumminess, so i made pancakes. and they were good.

Surprisingly Tasty, Gluten-free, Vegan Pancakes
  • 1-1/3 cups gluten free all purpose baking flour
  • 1 t baking powder
  • 1/2 t salt
  • 1/2 t baking soda
  • 1 T honey
  • 1/2 t vanilla
  • 3 T vegetable oil
  • 3/4 cup + 2 T warm water
  • 1/2 t xanthum gum
combine flour, baking soda, salt, and baking powder in bowl. combine honey, vanilla, and 2 T oil in a bowl. combine wet and dry ingredients. in a small bowl, mix xanthum gum, remaining 1T oil, and 2T water; fold into batter. cook like normal pancakes and enjoy. makes about six 6" pancakes.

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